Mike has always loved all areas of music, including instrument construction and restoration. Growing up in his father’s sandblasting, painting and powder coating business, he was exposed to product finishing and restoration. Recently, he has had the opportunity to restore several mid-60’s JenCo Vibraphones, old steel snare drums and other percussion hardware for professional percussionists in the Northern Illinois area. He is currently building his reputation as an excellent restoration technician, taking projects as they come.
Starting in 2009, Mike began putting his mechanical and coating skills to good use with the combination of years of percussion instrument experience to create Schwebke Instrument Restoration & Refinishing.
SIRR specializes in metal refinishing of drum and percussion components. The portfolio of complete restorations includes a variety of mallet instruments as old as the 1920s and a number of drums from all eras of the 20th Century.
SIRR encompasses both restoration of vintage instruments and complete custom builds. Working as the link between manufacturing and musicians, Mike offers custom steelpan stands, custom drum hardware, and custom drum manufacturing/assembly.
The SIRR Facebook Page has hundreds of pictures demonstrating different steps in the restoration process and showcasing completed projects. Visit SIRR on Facebook HERE.