The +Pan Quartet is the brainchild of violinist Eric Sewell and steelpannist Mike Schwebke as they navigate their passion through music of living composers and brand-new compositions for their respective instruments.

After getting together for coffee in Socorro, New Mexico, the two musicians discussed the many possibilities of working together on stage. Eric and Mike both love playing with chamber ensembles due to the enhanced opportunities for complex compositions and arrangements. Eric suggested using a classical piano trio (Piano, Violin, and Cello) as a core ensemble “plus the steelpan.” And thus The +Pan Quartet concept was born! The group was formed while Mike was traveling monthly back and forth to New Mexico from Illinois and is made up of musicians based in the Land of Enchantment.

The +Pan Quartet has premiered works by Dr. David Maki and Aaron Gage with several other new pieces in the wings awaiting premier.
For booking: please visit the CONTACT page to request availability.